Saturday, May 24, 2008

Random Pictures from my trip to Land of Lincoln

Well I totally forgot the rest of my pictures from my vacation back to the Land of Lincoln. SO here
you go... My need to upload these in order so they go from first pic to last. Anywhooo....

Harrison and My Uncle Dave. He's an amazing Man. I love you Uncle Dave! Harrison just loved him.
Oh joy! There was tornado warnings and it was NASTY leaving. In fact the pilot told us moms to hold our kids because it was going to be nasty leaving the ground.
And he wasn't lying .
Here's once we got above it and after I wet my pants getting there...Not really :0 Harrison said "AWESOME !
Good'ol Mississippi
Nana and Papa with Mr. H looking over the river at Lovers leap
The "DEERE" tracker . He still talks about the "DEERE"tracker
Harrison and Papa getting ready to go and eat at the country club
Nana and Papa at the country club with Harrison
We went to a feed store and all the baby chicks and ducks had hatched and were SO cute. H. LOVED them

My Uncle "LAWRY"(Larry) this is what H. called him. We had the yummiest dinner there. We love you guys. You're the best !

Well...That's all Folks ! We had a wonderful time and can't wait to go back.


Gina said...

Yes, Amy, we need to get together. My new email is

I don't know if I still have your current email and phone #.

Brook said...

I don't think I had looked close enough when I posted to see you live in UT. I just saw the Land of Lincoln post. :) We live in the St. Louis, MO area.

We are foster parents to four little guys we hope to adopt in 2008. I stay at home and my husband is an electronics engineer at a company that makes the equiptment physicians use for surgery (lasers, probes, etc).

Brook said...

That's cool that you grew up here. I grew up in Nebraska and moved here with my husband seven years ago. When/Why did you move to Utah?

Amanda said...

I love the pictures of the sky. And my kids loved the pictures of the little chicks. So CUTE!

Brandon Dani & Donovan said...

hey amy how are you guys... you guys look like your doing well!! well i opened a blog as well so i can keep intouch with you guys.. its brandondanidonovan.bolgspot well you know the rest!! i am trying to put pictures up.. but cant seem to get it.. well hope to hear form you soon..

Jeanette said...

Amy, My friend Noelle started a blog and wants to tag her friends, but doesn't know how, neither do I. Can you help her out?

That's her address. Thanks! I've gone back through a lot of your blogs but I didn't find the tagging one.