Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thanksgiving Point

My kids are out of school for the next two weeks (we have year round school) and we're out enjoying the beautiful weather. We decided to go check out a place called Thanksgiving Point and we LOVED it. They have gorgeous gardens and lots of stuff for the kids to do plus lots of really cute shops.

Mitch stuck his fingers in the corral and the hourse totally started making noise and trying to lick him. It was SO funny.
A cute little pygmy goat. They had lots of new ones . They're only 3 weeks old. SO cute !
The goat started nibbling on his ear right after I took this. He FREAKED out.
Saddle Up Partner
A place my boys should NEVER be.
I just want to SQUEEZE them.


Crazymamaof6 said...

totally FUN! wow year round school fancy!

Katie said...

I've heard of that place! Looks like fun! I wish we had year round school here so we could have breaks during good weather!

Amanda said...

Fun! Utah has so much to see.