Monday, July 14, 2008

Mr. and Mrs. Landon Green

This past Friday July 11th my baby sister married Mr. Green. We're SO excited for her. She married into a great family they're very sweet people. During the day I felt run down and tried half way through I was down right SICK. I had a ear infection and sinus infection and the ear drum was getting ready to burst. I was SO dang mad. My sister Ginger and Landon's sweet mom and sisters covered the rest of the night. THANK YOU GIRLS! Antibiotics are heaven sent and I'm back to normal...well as normal as I get..He,He. I'll have to wait for the photos from the photographer to post those ,but here's the random shots we did get. She was SO gorgeous and just BEAMED . We love you guys. Have fun on your honeymoon.

This is how the kiddos stayed busy.The little guy in the front is Aubry nephew Logan. He's such a cutie.

This is Sienna Landon sisters little girl (Aubs new niece). Isn't she is SO dang cute.
Mr. & Mrs. Green
61st ward kids. Aniece Durney,Jamie Arnett,Dan Porter and I don't know him

Miss Hanna Banana
Aubry childhood friends .They seriously have known each other since kindergarten
My Jake the stud
I'll post more when the other pics come in.


Jessie DeMille said...

gYour blog is way cute. The wedding went really good I thought, so good job! I am sorry to hear you were so sick with all the infections, I am sure all that stress didn't help any. Well you girls are so nice, Landon is lucky to have great inlaws. Thanks for everything. Hope you feel better.

Brook said...

I am glad you are feeling better!

What beautiful colors for a wedding. :)

What an adorable ring bear. Triston was a ring bear last summer and I had to make an 8"x10" of him in his tux to hang in our living room. I'll go add the picture on my blog under the entry "Happy 1st Anniversary Reggie and April".

Becca said...

Sorry you got sick! That sucks! Her cake is BEAUTIFUL! The pictures you took are so very cute!

Becca said...

Michelle was thinking about doing a cake for Jessica, so I had her look at your sisters! I cannot tell you how much I love it! It is soooooo pretty!

Gina said...

I hope you're feeling much better Amy. Looks like it was a beautiful wedding. Congrats to your sister.

Erin Flanagan Woods said...

Fun! I can't wait to see all the pictures. The colors look so good. Sorry you were sick, that totally stinks.

Hey, I need some addresses and phone #'s-Aubrys(wedding gift location-misplaced envelope), Ginger's, your Mom's and yours. Shoot me an email( ~Thanks

Hiatt Family said...

I can't wait to see more pictures! Aubree looks GORGEOUS! I'm so happy for her.