Monday, August 18, 2008


Some friends of ours were in a private airplane crash on Saturday night.
Christian and Stephanie Nielsen of our old Lazona ward in Mesa AZ .Their injuries are life threating.
Christian has broken his back and is burned over 20% of his body and Stephanie his sweet wife is a little more serious she is burned 70-80% of her body. I know the Lord's mindful of this sweet,sweet family. I read her blog and if you go here you can see this amazing family of 6. Also if you could please pray for the flight instructors family he passed away last night from his injuries.
I feel so blessed to know that thru the love of our Father in Heaven we can be comforted. I know what a special gift we have all been given by our Saviors atoning sacrifice.

Thank you.


Becca said...

Man! That is so horrible! I have read this on more than one blog! It is heartbreaking! I hope that they get well soon! It is times like this that remind me just how fragile life is! Keep us updated!

Amanda said...

Oh my! They will definately be in our prayers.

Christy {The Girl Who Ate Everything} said...

What a tragic accident. I hope they are getting better. It is so sad.

Jeanette said...

I'm so sorry Amy! Is there anything I can do to help from the Mesa end? I'll keep them in my prayers.

Becca said...

I was talking to Quinn last night and we were in Lazona Ward too...quite a while ago, but what a small world. We are definately keeping them in our prayers..we say their story last night on the news...

Allison @ Allie Browns Layouts said...

Hoooolllly Cow!

My sister in law actually has one of her buttons and so when you mentioned to read about it on her blog, I thought, "Oh, that was sweet of her to pay tribute to the family who is struggling right now." But I was SHOCKED to know that it WAS HER!

Wow. I'm blown away...totally speechless. And those kids!

My prayers are for them. I'm going to add them to the temple roll.

God Bless you Stephenie, your husband, and the pilot's family.

Erin Flanagan Woods said...

My friend mentioned this to me the other day and then when I got on your blog my stomach sank for the second time.

They will be in our thoughts and prayers. Such a sad sad thing.