Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Guess Who's Pregnant ?

Ha Ha Ha! Those of you who know me well know it's NOT me.

Yup, It's my cute little sister and her hubby. They just announced they're expecting in June. I'm SO excited to have a little baby in the family. Congratulations you two.


Lindsay said...

YAY! I'm so excited too! Hopefully my parents don't see this cuz they don't know yet! Haha, they're waiting for Landon to come home to tell them, so mum's the word! :)

Hiatt Family said...

Yeah!!! I am SO excited for them!

Becca said...

How fun! I LOVE babies!

Gina said...

That's awesome! I hope they live close to you, Amy.

The Greens said...

Um...yeah lets hope my in laws don't see this on accident...considering they don't know!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog! I cannot believe how big your boys's crazy. Aubry Lin is gonna be a mommy...SO EXCITING!

Erin Flanagan Woods said...

CONGRATS! That is so great!

Chris and Heather said...

That is sweet. Tell them congrats!

The Weights said...

I can't believe Aubry is pregnant. That is so fun! Thanks for the comment about me being a cute prego. It is hard to feel cute with such a big belly! I am due dec 21st, so soon!