Wednesday, January 6, 2010


It's Winter yet again in the great state of Xanadu. It's this time of year I yearn for sunshine,warmth,citrus,orange get it. I can't seem to pull myself up and get on with it. Really it shouldn't be that hard......Right?

We had a wonderful holiday season filled with family,friends and no school. I did miss my sister Ginger and her cute family horribly. I've been thinking a lot about family and the threads that bind us. There's nothing better than to know if you don't have ANYTHING else in your life you ALWAYS have your family.

Now it's time to switch out the laundry,clean a few bathrooms and rejoice that I have the health,water,cleaners etc to do so. A maid sounds wonderful. My oldest son said " Mom why would you want a maid you do such a great job on your own".....thanks Mitch. Sigh......he means well.
I will post pictures of our holidays soon and be better at updating.


Gina said...

Hi, Amy! Sorry you've got the winter blues...I can relate, especially since we only have one car, and I'm in the house with two babies all day. The good news is, my mom is taking us to the mall today! I'm looking forward to the Spring so we can do more things outside! It'll be here before we know it!

Linda Horsley said...

I totlly understand about the winter blues. I suffer from them myself. I go tanning once in a while. It helps.