Monday, September 28, 2009

My Papa

This is my Grandfather Cornell J. Kane. I have two of my children named after him and his father which is James Cornell Kane. Today is his Birthday. I'm proud of my heritage and my Irish roots. I always did like the color green.
I wish we were there to celebrate with him and my Nana. Sit in their back yard after dinner and watch the bunnies and the squirrels gather their babies for bed and listen to the locusts. I have such wonderful memories of the great town of Jacksonville Illinois. It's one of my most favorite places ever. It reminds me of the movie Pollyanna. I just returned from there 3 weeks ago and will post pictures of my visit soon. My Nana and Papa have always been a rock in my life and in my children's life. In my book they WILL live forever. Have a great day Papa. My boys thought I had lost it when I had them sing Happy Birthday at 7 AM in the speaker phone. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

I love you Papa!
Squeak xoxo

1 comment:

Gina said...

That is so sweet. It's wonderful to have family like that. I love how your favorite place goes right along with your name!