Friday, October 9, 2009


Monday is D-Day. The day my throat gets cut out. No really though. I'm totally freaked out. I'm sure things will go smoothly. I'll have to report next week. Until then......
Have a good weekend.


Jo Dee said...

I hope all goes well in the surgery~ Pain is not a good thing!

Amanda said...

Good Luck Amy! I'm sure it will go well. Gina had a c-section today and had a little girl. I'll let her tell all the other details but they are doing fine.

Jeanette said...

AMY!!! Why are you and Rob getting your tonsils out so late in life:) Just kidding, so late in early life? I hope everything goes exactly as planned! Thanks for the buttermilk syrup recipe, I had been wanting that! Seriously! THANKS! Good Luck!

Traeger Tribe said...

I hope it went well! hang in there - I've never had mine out either :)